Homeschooling,  Inspiration,  Kid Fun,  Thankful For

Easter Fun with Lego

Of course, I was again inspired on Pinterest! Last year I created a board called Easter Fun, where I pinned some really cute and fun ideas. Unfortunately, by the time Easter rolled around I forgot all about my little Easter fun board. This year I decided to look through my boards and do projects that I had already pinned before. That is when I came across this fun idea. Anything to do with Legos and my boys are game. This project covers the death and resurrection of Jesus. They know the story about Jesus being put to death and they know the amazing story of Him rising from the tomb, now to put it all together – what fun!

I grabbed some small cake pans from the Dollar Store and a bag of play sand from True Value hardware store, total cost = under $8.00.  When I showed the boys their inspiration they loved it and JUMPED right in. They all started building Lego tombs immediately.


Easter Fun Lego Craft

Cake pans, play sand, pebbles, sticks and Legos.

Easter Lego Craft

Placing the tomb, laying the path

Easter Lego Craft


Lego Easter Craft

Lego Tomb - Calvary

Lego Tomb - Calvary

This was a fun activity but I did want to make sure that the kids heard the story again.

It never gets old. It never ceases to bring me to tears.

He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sins,

the punishment that brought us peace, was upon Him

By His wounds we are healed.

Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here, He is RISEN!

Enjoy this fantastic song!

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