Blogging,  Kid Fun,  Thankful For

Super Duper Sweetness

As you may have seen from an earlier post, my son and I went on a date recently.  We had a really great time.  I wanted to share with you, a sweet, intimate moment between the 2 of us.  While at a restaurant I excused myself to use the restroom.  When I came around the corner to our booth, my son was sitting in my seat, I watched for a second and realized he was taking pictures of himself with the camera.  I sneaked up behind him and joined in the pictures, he never knew I was behind him.

When I sat down he told me to look at the pics on the camera.  I told him he should look with me.  He was so surprised to see me in some of the pics, he loved it.  BUT THE BEST PART … I had another surprise coming too.  While looking through them I realized that in each picture he is signing a word to form I LOVE YOU, through the succession of pictures.

Here they are:

preston warming up


Preston signing I

Preston signing Love

Preston signing You

Loved the date, loved this gesture, love my BOY!

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